Monday, March 17, 2008

why is so much expected from the youth?

Pick up any magazine and you'll find surveys about what the youth think, feel and believe. Read any newspaper and you'll find editorials filled with hope in the young of our country. Why are they given so much importance? What makes the youth different from the others?

Youth is a time of believing and pursuing ideals. It's a time where you see things that aren't supposed to be, but are, and take it upon yourself to set things right. To fight for a cause is one of the defining moments of youth.

When you are young, you believe everything is possible. You are not weighed down by years of failure and experience that tends to make you practical and compromising. When you want to do something, you go about doing it. You don't think about whether you'll be able to do it. " Of course I'll be able to do it", you hear yourself say, "There are no limits to what I can achieve".

When you put your heart to something, you tap into an inexhaustible supply of enthusiasm so characteristic of that age. Nothing can stop you, nothing can discourage you, nothing will make you doubt yourself even for an instant. You can work for hours without tiring in persuance of your dreams.

This is the age where most of the youth either study at the same place or live together. Their spending a lot of time together and same age results in them being very closely knit. A strong force for driving a movement is a sense of belonging.

When you are young, you have nothing to fear. Simply for the reason that you have nothing to loose. You haven't yet created a life for yourself that you'd be averse to jeopardize. You haven't created a career, a familiy, a home. So those you are up fighting against can't put you to ransom - because you don't have anything that they can take away.

When you are past your youth, you finally accept that the "system" cannot be changed. But the youth will not accept that untill they have first fought to change it. And frequently, they are the only ones who stand any chance of suceeding.

As times change, so do people. And the youth are representative of the change in beliefs, values, ideals, aspirations and desires of people. Looking at them, you get a peek into where the world is heading. Because they are the ones who are going to take the world forward.


neophyte said...

Dude you really are an out of the box thinker, and you have proved it well.

But i think 2242hrs was a bit too early, aren't the ideas supposed to start flowing after midnight? hehehe...

The Thoughtful Philosopher said...

actually this article is one of my less original ones. the qualities of youth are mostly collected. the discussion of the qualites is probably my only contribution.

and since you say that i think out of the box, shouldn't the timings of my ideas be non-conventional as well.........? ;)

Anonymous said...

whatever. If you ask me, most young people today are ignorant or stupid. Being a youth myself, I know.

The Thoughtful Philosopher said...

Yes there are problems among youth that do seem to have epidemic proportions. But I do suspect that you know too many of the wrong kind of people.

SUBHADIP said...

You are a great analyst and I think Youth is the main backbone of any country as dareness..bravery..courage as well to follow one's dream..a Youth can only do it..nice blog carry on..

The Thoughtful Philosopher said...

Thanks a lot.

tiku said...

What u said is quite accurate but different people see them differently and hence different expectations.
Marketeers & businessmen see them as "potential" customer to buy their products.
Visionary see them as "potential" converts for their ideology.
Older people see them as their hope for a brighter future.
The list could go on, what people need is personal gain from the youth. The youth is seen as a "potential" tool. But not as a strong independent entity.

Swami Vivekanand rightly said that "Youth are not useless, but they are used less". Now I see the parody in the word "used".